There will be a Type of Source dropdown option.Click Add Citation (it will be the plus sign at the bottom, or you can choose Insert Citation).Along the ribbon, make certain the citation dropdown (marked by an open book with overlapping page) has APA selected.Taylor Shaw-Hamp | ENG 770 | Teaching Exercise for ENG 221 | April 20, 2017 How to create an APA cited paper in Microsoft Word (Mac) You don’t know what you don’t know and you can’t ask about what you don’t know.

When I demonstrated this lesson to my graduate level class, many of them were surprised to learn about this function as they had no idea it even existed. By teaching early college students some basic functions in Word, such as the APA citation function in the Reference ribbon, they will be empowered to effectively use this tool they are given, create ascetically strong papers, and go forward into the workplace (not to mention other classes) with confidence about a common software they’ll be expected to know how to use. Contrary to popular belief, digital natives are not familiar with many functions of Microsoft Word, so oftentimes their documents are messy and clunky. This entry is copy and pasted from a Word document I created to walk hypothetical ENG 221 students through the citation functions in Microsoft Word.